THREE Weeks! To get a piece of mail from Brasher to Potsdam. And our mortgage payment got completely lost.
That created multiple glitches with the the other Evil Empire (National Grid) and with the bank that were finally all straightened out yesterday with a $25.00 stop check fee. Aaargh. So maybe we can have more construction $ next week?
My lovely new bathroom is still at the early skeleton construction stage. That non-functioning bathtub taunts me every time I walk upstairs.
We got the two female Kittens fixed. Emmeth can wait a little while. He's not spraying and he still says "meeew?" It will be a while yet before he becomes a full grown, sauntering Tom Cat.
The cows have moved away. This makes us all very sad but we are growing some spectacularly large spiders in our side entry to make up for their absence. I think they make a pretty good home security system. By 8:00 every night, they have spun new, strong webs and hang at about head height to catch yummy flies - which we also have plenty of.
The cold is coming on strong. Our first delivery of wood for the season comes today and the trees are beautiful.
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