No room - not for months. Someone dropped off about a gazillion cats there earlier this week in a huge dog carrier and now they have no room in the shelter and no crates to loan out.
I will not have another feral cat about the place. It is one thing when they wander through but when a feral calls this place home it just increases my stress about things like rabies and my other cats getting in fights with them. (Not to mention the 3:00 am barking that accompanies a feral fistfight outside on the porch. No thank you.)
So. This little fuzz ball is in a bin in our small bathroom with his mother. He is so soft.
We will tame him and potty train him. Someone will adopt him and give him a home.
P.S. We need a large doggie crate for he and mama to live in until he finds a home or is tame enough to live in the woodshed without being contained. If you have one, please let me know!
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